October 25, 2010

Definition of Worship

As we begin this blog to focus on matters of worship, what better way to start than with a definition.  Many people think of worship as the singing time during the Sunday morning service.  That should be a great time of worship, yes, but it's not all about the singing...it's ALL about our Lord. 

Here is my favorite definition....

"Worship is honoring God by putting our mind’s attention and our heart’s affection on Him."

It's possible to sit in a service and sing every word and not worship for a second.  If our minds are wandering with a million things going through our head, we're not focusing our attention on Him.  And, we could come to church because we love to see our friends, catch up on the week's activities, do our weekly "church duty", enjoy some cookies after the service, and go home without worshipping our God.  We need to come because we are in love with Jesus Christ and we want to grow closer to Him!

I believe if we spent the entire service with our mind's attention 100% on Him and our heart's affection solely on Him, our services would never be the same.  Wow...just imagine!


  1. It helps me focus my attention on him to pray about it right as service is starting. I like your definition on worship. I never really thought about it like that.

  2. Thanks for your comment. Praying right before the service starts is an excellent way to get your heart set for worship. Many times we feel like we have to "warm-up" to get ready...a few songs to wake us up, then we can start getting serious. =) It's the ONE hour a weeek that we gather to worship, let's make the most out of it and be ready to go right from the beginning.
